Keeping Bees For Money


Your Guide to Raising Honey Bees

In order to be a beekeeper, you have to have passion to get you through the time consuming former hobby which now has joined billion-dollar food industry. Undoubtedly, the beekeeping industry has traveled a long way from its roots as a simple hobby to the place on tables throughout the world. Any beekeeper is going to have to learn bee biology from an experienced beekeeper. Producing honey is a simple matter of regurgitating food for bees, which is a mechanism through which they attempt to survive the long winter without their main food source, flowers.

Among insects, bees have some of the most advanced means of surviving winter. Bees normally produce honey during the warmer months only, and many beekeepers farm during the cold off season. Many people think this hobby is cheap, but in truth, it is actually quite expensive, as you have to get the correct training needed to know proper box placement.

Keepers must educate themselves in entomology (the study of insects), so they can know which other insects are compatible with bees and which ones join yellow jackets, mites, hornets, and wasps as killers of bees. Science is very important in a beekeeper's training and experience, and most people do not have this training initially, which is essential to have some idea how to manage bees, their habitats, and their natural pests. Beekeeping stretches back generations in some families, and that generally makes people dedicated and serious about the activity, which is important in any type of beekeeper training.

It is a skill that many people view as something simply taught to children through their grandparents and parents because of family tradition. What began as just another chore on the farm eventually progressed to a farm staple that was sold like any other farm product at the market.
Visit: Honey Bees Raising for the ultimate guide to beekeeping.